Mighty Men Conference. "We are expecting no less than 400 000 men, bearing in mind that there are only 300 000 people coming from outside to the 2010 soccer world cup, the second biggest sporting event in the world, the first being the Olympic games. We are expecting more men here on that weekend than even visitors coming to watch the soccer world cup. "
Mighty Men Conference. "We are expecting no less than 400 000 men, bearing in mind that there are only 300 000 people coming from outside to the 2010 soccer world cup, the second biggest sporting event in the world, the first being the Olympic games. We are expecting more men here on that weekend than even visitors coming to watch the soccer world cup. "
Buchan beloof grootste saamtrek nóg2010-04-10 23:01
“Hier gaan 400?000 mans kom vrede soek,” sê die evangelis Angus Buchan op sy plaas buite Greytown. Agter hom word gewerk aan die reuseverhoog waarvandaan hy die menigte gaan toespreek.
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Johannes de Villiers
Angus Buchan vaar vandag die bosse in.
Daar in die woud naby sy plaas gaan die evangelis van Greytown, met net sy groot leer-Bybel en iets te ete, homself tot Vrydag afsonder.
Hy gaan bid voordat hy volgende naweek ’n Christen-mannesaamtrek – wat na verwagting die grootste in die wêreldgeskiedenis sal wees – toespreek.
Buchan verwag ’n volle 400,000 mans op sy plaas vir die grootste Mighty Men-saamtrek nóg. En as mens saam met hom in sy Toyota Corolla op sy plaas rondry (sy Bybel van rooi leer op die paneelbord) erken hy in ’n onbewaakte oomblik hy sou nie verbaas wees as pres. Jacob Zuma self inloer nie. (“Wat sou jy doen as jy ’n politikus was en jy hoor van so ’n groot saamtrek?”)
Oral op die plaas stop Buchan om met ’n breë glimlag te gesels met werkers wat puttoilette, hooibale en ’n reuseverhoog aanbring. Die grootste deel van vier plase is omgeploeg en platgevee vir die verwagte kampeerders. Boere van buurplase is besig om 200?000 hooibale voor die reuse-verhoog neer te sit (twee sitvlakke pas op een baal). En 8?km se sesduimpyp is aangebring om stortwater uit die plaasdam te pomp.
“Dit kos miljoene, miljoene!” sê Buchan terwyl hy rondrits op sy plaaspaaie, spesiaal met gruis uit ’n nabye gat versterk vir die toerbusse wat daar gaan kom rondry.
Hy hoor nou nog van mense wat sê “Buchan wil net geld maak,” maar dié voorbereidings is volgens hom ’n bewys dat die geld in die saamtrekke belê word. En as vergoeding vir die buurplase waar boere weens dié ontwrigting “al drie jaar lank nie ’n saadjie kon plant nie”.
Wat gaan hy doen indien minder as die voorspelde 400,000 opdaag?
“Ons is reg vir wie ook al opdaag,” sê oom Angus. Hy is nie soos koning Dawid wat net koppe tel nie.
En as sy gesondheid weer soos verlede jaar lol?
“Ek het geen exit strategyvanjaar nie. Ek is fisiek sterker as ooit.”
Buchan sê sy Mighty Men-saamtrek kom net op die regte oomblik. Die land word deur vrees lamgelê.
“Almal is bang. Wit mense dink dit is net hulle wat bang is, maar álmal is bang. Dit is nie toeval dat die saamtrek nou plaasvind nie. God gaan hier opdaag en vir mense weer hoop gee. Altesame 400?000 ambassadeurs van Jesus gaan volgende week hier vertrek om vrede die land in te dra.”
Hy wil nie politiek praat nie, sê Buchan, maar “ek is ’n ambassadeur van die mense.
“En ek wil vir die mense sê ons kan nie langer in die verlede leef nie. God is ’n God van die toekoms, nie die verlede nie.”
- Rapport
“Hier gaan 400?000 mans kom vrede soek,” sê die evangelis Angus Buchan op sy plaas buite Greytown. Agter hom word gewerk aan die reuseverhoog waarvandaan hy die menigte gaan toespreek.
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Johannes de Villiers
Angus Buchan vaar vandag die bosse in.
Daar in die woud naby sy plaas gaan die evangelis van Greytown, met net sy groot leer-Bybel en iets te ete, homself tot Vrydag afsonder.
Hy gaan bid voordat hy volgende naweek ’n Christen-mannesaamtrek – wat na verwagting die grootste in die wêreldgeskiedenis sal wees – toespreek.
Buchan verwag ’n volle 400,000 mans op sy plaas vir die grootste Mighty Men-saamtrek nóg. En as mens saam met hom in sy Toyota Corolla op sy plaas rondry (sy Bybel van rooi leer op die paneelbord) erken hy in ’n onbewaakte oomblik hy sou nie verbaas wees as pres. Jacob Zuma self inloer nie. (“Wat sou jy doen as jy ’n politikus was en jy hoor van so ’n groot saamtrek?”)
Oral op die plaas stop Buchan om met ’n breë glimlag te gesels met werkers wat puttoilette, hooibale en ’n reuseverhoog aanbring. Die grootste deel van vier plase is omgeploeg en platgevee vir die verwagte kampeerders. Boere van buurplase is besig om 200?000 hooibale voor die reuse-verhoog neer te sit (twee sitvlakke pas op een baal). En 8?km se sesduimpyp is aangebring om stortwater uit die plaasdam te pomp.
“Dit kos miljoene, miljoene!” sê Buchan terwyl hy rondrits op sy plaaspaaie, spesiaal met gruis uit ’n nabye gat versterk vir die toerbusse wat daar gaan kom rondry.
Hy hoor nou nog van mense wat sê “Buchan wil net geld maak,” maar dié voorbereidings is volgens hom ’n bewys dat die geld in die saamtrekke belê word. En as vergoeding vir die buurplase waar boere weens dié ontwrigting “al drie jaar lank nie ’n saadjie kon plant nie”.
Wat gaan hy doen indien minder as die voorspelde 400,000 opdaag?
“Ons is reg vir wie ook al opdaag,” sê oom Angus. Hy is nie soos koning Dawid wat net koppe tel nie.
En as sy gesondheid weer soos verlede jaar lol?
“Ek het geen exit strategyvanjaar nie. Ek is fisiek sterker as ooit.”
Buchan sê sy Mighty Men-saamtrek kom net op die regte oomblik. Die land word deur vrees lamgelê.
“Almal is bang. Wit mense dink dit is net hulle wat bang is, maar álmal is bang. Dit is nie toeval dat die saamtrek nou plaasvind nie. God gaan hier opdaag en vir mense weer hoop gee. Altesame 400?000 ambassadeurs van Jesus gaan volgende week hier vertrek om vrede die land in te dra.”
Hy wil nie politiek praat nie, sê Buchan, maar “ek is ’n ambassadeur van die mense.
“En ek wil vir die mense sê ons kan nie langer in die verlede leef nie. God is ’n God van die toekoms, nie die verlede nie.”
- Rapport
A very special and warm greeting to you in this brand new year of 2010. A very meaningful and prosperous new year for you and your loved ones. All of us here at Shalom want to thank you for your constant prayers and support. Early this morning, while waiting on God, I found in Luke chapter 12:35 which says, “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning.” The Lord goes on to speak about the faithful servant and the evil servant. The faithful servant is constantly ready for the coming of the Son of man and the evil servant is totally laid back and really lazy. As we start the new year, we need to understand that it is not a time for us to relax, to let our guard down. On the contrary, this is a time for us to double up with our expectancy of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Wherever I go and whoever I speak to people are talking about the change in the climate, the weather patterns, about wars or rumor of wars, talking about immorality, being totally blatant and disrespectful towards man and also towards God. All these are signs of the coming of the Lord. We don’t know when our Lord is coming back. No man knows. Jesus Himself said He does not know, only His Father knows, but He did say that we need to be ready and prepared. We that are living this year are living only by grace (undeserved loving kindness). Many of our loved ones went home to be with Jesus last year in 2009. It was a particularly tough year for many of us. Tough in terms of the recession, and in terms of maybe our health, maybe relationships, but it was also an extremely rewarding year of a mighty, mighty harvest that came in. We are not of those who are content to remain in that place. We need to move on to greater things.
This year some people will be getting married, others will be having babies, others will be stepping out into the world of commerce and industry from university, others will be going from high school to university. We will be attempting great things for God and expect great things from God. Here at Shalom we are staging the last Mighty Men Conference. We are expecting no less than 400 000 men, bearing in mind that there are only 300 000 people coming from outside to the 2010 soccer world cup, the second biggest sporting event in the world, the first being the Olympic games. We are expecting more men here on that weekend than even visitors coming to watch the soccer world cup. We are stepping out on the water again, but I can honestly say to you that it’s the healthiest place to be, right in the perfect will of God. Let your waist be girded, that means to be ready and your lamps burning. Have plenty of oil in that lamp, spending lots and lots of time with Jesus Christ this year. Be ready, respond at a minutes notice and fully clad with the armour of God. My dear friend, He will never ever leave you nor forsake you Hebrews 13:5, I can give testimony of that. I’m believing that this is going to be our greatest year as believers that the Christian church has ever seen since the time of Jesus.
May God continue to bless as you continue to pray for us and walk with us. The bigger the battle, the bigger the victory, the deeper the valley, the higher the mountain top experience. We are really believing for a Mt. Everest experience this year, and are prepared for whatever comes our way.
Yours in Christ’s Service
Angus & Jill and the Shalom Team
MMC 2010: 16-18 April Registration now open http://mymail.iticket.co.za/sendlink.asp?HitID=1263388923961&StID=11625&SID=14&NID=153514&EmID=9329851&Link=aHR0cDovL215bWFpbC5pdGlja2V0LmNvLnphL3NlbmRsaW5rLmFzcD9IaXRJRD0xMjU3Nzc3NzM2NDQ0JlN0SUQ9MTE2MjUmU0lEPTE0Jk5JRD0xNDMwMDkmRW1JRD05MzI5ODUxJkxpbms9YUhSMGNEb3ZMM2QzZHk1dGJXTXlNREV3TG1OdmJTOCUzRA%3D%3D
This year some people will be getting married, others will be having babies, others will be stepping out into the world of commerce and industry from university, others will be going from high school to university. We will be attempting great things for God and expect great things from God. Here at Shalom we are staging the last Mighty Men Conference. We are expecting no less than 400 000 men, bearing in mind that there are only 300 000 people coming from outside to the 2010 soccer world cup, the second biggest sporting event in the world, the first being the Olympic games. We are expecting more men here on that weekend than even visitors coming to watch the soccer world cup. We are stepping out on the water again, but I can honestly say to you that it’s the healthiest place to be, right in the perfect will of God. Let your waist be girded, that means to be ready and your lamps burning. Have plenty of oil in that lamp, spending lots and lots of time with Jesus Christ this year. Be ready, respond at a minutes notice and fully clad with the armour of God. My dear friend, He will never ever leave you nor forsake you Hebrews 13:5, I can give testimony of that. I’m believing that this is going to be our greatest year as believers that the Christian church has ever seen since the time of Jesus.
May God continue to bless as you continue to pray for us and walk with us. The bigger the battle, the bigger the victory, the deeper the valley, the higher the mountain top experience. We are really believing for a Mt. Everest experience this year, and are prepared for whatever comes our way.
Yours in Christ’s Service
Angus & Jill and the Shalom Team
MMC 2010: 16-18 April Registration now open http://mymail.iticket.co.za/sendlink.asp?HitID=1263388923961&StID=11625&SID=14&NID=153514&EmID=9329851&Link=aHR0cDovL215bWFpbC5pdGlja2V0LmNvLnphL3NlbmRsaW5rLmFzcD9IaXRJRD0xMjU3Nzc3NzM2NDQ0JlN0SUQ9MTE2MjUmU0lEPTE0Jk5JRD0xNDMwMDkmRW1JRD05MzI5ODUxJkxpbms9YUhSMGNEb3ZMM2QzZHk1dGJXTXlNREV3TG1OdmJTOCUzRA%3D%3D
Its a miracle" said evangelist Angus Buchan who had collapsed after the Saturday morning session of the Mighty Men Conference 2009 at Shalom. Doctors present immediately attended to him and after an ECG and monitoring his condition interpreted it as a heart attack.
The Red Cross helicopter was called in from Pietermaritzburg and he was airlifted to a hospital there. Hospital doctors undertook a series of tests...and declared Angus clear - definitely no heart attack!
Angus, his family, the doctors and the thousands of men present claim positively that it is a miracle whilst Angus himself states "I was brought back from the brink of death by Jesus."
Although a final count has not been confirmed the estimate is that the 200 000 expected, from all corners of the world and South Africa, made their way by plane, car, motorbikes, etc etc to Shalom. All of them commented on the well organised event - from registration; road network;campsites; seating; sound equipment; and everything else which went to make this such an outstanding and awesome happening.
Greytonians, many of whom provided accommodation, were happy that the 2008 Friday gridlock was not repeated. The worst traffic build-up was on Saturday when the morning session ended at 11 and the next session only started at 5 - thousands drove into Greytown to purchase food and other items.
Angus was back in action again for the Sunday morning family service - he is taking it quietly this week prior to going back into action. As can be seen in the aerial photo taken by Patrick Royal of Durban there were thousands and thousands of men seated on haybales round the huge stage which featured big screens so that all could see and hear.
In a telephonic interview, organiser, Andy Buchan , said that the event had run very smoothly -thanks to the hard work and team effort of the many inovled in setting up MMC and ensuring that all went well. At this stage -no comment as yet received as to next year's Mighty Men Conference!
The Red Cross helicopter was called in from Pietermaritzburg and he was airlifted to a hospital there. Hospital doctors undertook a series of tests...and declared Angus clear - definitely no heart attack!
Angus, his family, the doctors and the thousands of men present claim positively that it is a miracle whilst Angus himself states "I was brought back from the brink of death by Jesus."
Although a final count has not been confirmed the estimate is that the 200 000 expected, from all corners of the world and South Africa, made their way by plane, car, motorbikes, etc etc to Shalom. All of them commented on the well organised event - from registration; road network;campsites; seating; sound equipment; and everything else which went to make this such an outstanding and awesome happening.
Greytonians, many of whom provided accommodation, were happy that the 2008 Friday gridlock was not repeated. The worst traffic build-up was on Saturday when the morning session ended at 11 and the next session only started at 5 - thousands drove into Greytown to purchase food and other items.
Angus was back in action again for the Sunday morning family service - he is taking it quietly this week prior to going back into action. As can be seen in the aerial photo taken by Patrick Royal of Durban there were thousands and thousands of men seated on haybales round the huge stage which featured big screens so that all could see and hear.
In a telephonic interview, organiser, Andy Buchan , said that the event had run very smoothly -thanks to the hard work and team effort of the many inovled in setting up MMC and ensuring that all went well. At this stage -no comment as yet received as to next year's Mighty Men Conference!
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