Eugene Terre'Blanche op plaas vermoor
2010-04-03 23:24
Die AWB-leier, mnr. Eugene Terre’Blanche (69), is gistermiddag vermoor in sy huis op sy plaas, Witrandjiesfontein, sowat 15 kilometer buite Ventersdorp in Noordwes.
“Ons het mnr. Terre’Blanche se lyk op sy bed gekry. Hy het veelvuldige beserings opgedoen – hy is erg vermink,” het kapt. Jaco Rautenbach, hoof van die speurtak op Ventersdorp, gisteraand uit die moordhuis aan Rapport gesê.
“Ons weet nie of hy aangeval is terwyl hy geslaap het nie. Ons het ’n kapmes op sy lyk gekry.”
Rautenbach sê twee van Terre’Blanche se plaaswerkers is kort daarna op die plaas gearresteer. “?’n Venster is gebreek en dit lyk of die aanvallers só toegang tot die huis verkry het.
“Dit wil voorkom of ’n twis oor geld aanleiding tot die aanval gegee het,” het Rautenbach gesê.
Volgens kapt. Adele Myburgh, Noordwes se provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, het daar glo ‘n argument tussen Terre’blanche en die twee werkers, ’n 21-jarige van Pretoria en ’n 16-jarige van Ventersdorp ontstaan omdat hulle glo nie vir werk betaal is nie.
Die twee sal Dinsdag op aanklag van moord in die hof op Ventersdorp verskyn.
Terre’Blanche het die naweek alleen op die plaas deurgebring soos hy dikwels doen, het ’n vriendin van sy vrou, Martie, gisteraand uit die Terre’Blanche se huis in Ventersdorp aan Rapport gesê.
Sy was daar om mev. Terre’Blanche by te staan. “Hy het blykbaar lê en slaap toe hy met pangas doodgekap is.”
Die vrou, van ’n buurplaas, het aan Rapport gesê Martie Terre’Blanche is verslae. “Sy is ’n sterk vrou, maar sy is so wit soos ’n laken. Dit het nog nie by haar ingesink nie.
“Die dominee was hier en ek en ander gaan vanaand by haar slaap hier in die dorpshuis (langs die AWB-kantoor) in Ventersdorp.”
Volgens haar was Eugene se suster, Dora, en sy broer, Andries, gisteraand op die moordtoneel.
Hy is gistermiddag omstreeks 17:00 vermoor.
“Almal hier op die dorp is woedend en verslae.”
Volgens haar is vrese oor wraakaanvalle van enige aard egter ongegrond. “Die mense hier op Ventersdorp is nie rassiste nie. Ek is eerder bekommerd oor mense wat van elders af bel.”.
Terre’Blanche het in Februarie vanjaar nog die ANC-regering as ’n “teelkraal” beskryf wat “toelaat dat ons wit mense deur werklose skurke uitgemoor word”.
“Hulle steel nie meer van ons nie, maar hulle maak ons doelbewus dood om ons te demoraliseer,” het Terre’Blanche op ’n AWB-byeenkoms aan sowat 300 mense gesê.
Pres. Jacob Zuma het die nuus met skok en afgryse ontvang, het sy woordvoerder, mnr. Vusi Mona, gisteraand gesê.
”Pres. Zuma veroordeel die moord ten sterkste en stuur sy meelewing aan die familie. Hy is ook dankbaar vir die spoedige optrede van die polisie.”
Oor of haatspraak teen boere ‘n rol gespeel het, het Mona gesê mense moet die reg sy loop laat neem; dan sal vasgestel kan word of haatspraak wel betrokke was.
”Die president veroordeel alle haatspraak teen boere, soos hy haatspraak teen arm mense, swart mense of enige ander kwesbares veroordeel,” het Mona benadruk.
Mev. Helen Zille, leier van die DA, het gisteraand die moord as ’n “absolute tradgedie” beskryf.
“Geweld is geen oplossing vir ons land nie. Die tragiese is dat ekstremiste aan albei kante die klimaat geskep het. Dit kan net tot polarisasie lei, wat ons in 1994 vermy het.”
Terre’Blanche het in die laat sestigerjare toenemend die liberale beleid van mnr. BJ Vorster, toe eerste minister van Suid-Afrika, beveg. Hy het in 1970 saam met ses ander die Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging gestig. Sy oratoriese vaardighede het hom die steun van groot getalle regsgesindes in die land besorg.
Hy het die einde van apartheid as ’n oorgawe tot kommunisme beskou en het met ’n grootskaalse oorlog gedreig sou pres. FW de Klerk die mag aan mnr. Nelson Mandela en die ANC sou oorhandig.
Hy is op 17 June 1997 tot ses jaar gevonnis vir die aanranding op ’n petroljoggie en poging tot moord op ’n sekuriteitswag.
Hy is aangehou in die Rooigrond-tronk naby Mafikeng, waar hy glo ’n wedergebore Christen geword het en na bewering sy rassistiese sienings versag het. Hy is op 11 Junie 2004 vrygelaat.
Mnr. Dave Steward, woordvoerder van die FW de Klerk-stigting, het gesê: “Die realiteit is dat die klimaat in die land naby aan kookpunt is. Dit is moeilik om nie te sien dat sy moord nie verband hou met die ‘skiet die boer’-liedjie nie.”
Verdere rassespanning gevrees ná skokmoord
Die nuus oor die wrede moord op die AWB-leier mnr. Eugene Terre’Blanche het gisteraand soos ’n veldbrand verprei en reaksie het van oral ingestroom.
Politieke partye aan alle kante van die spektrum was bekommerd dat die moord verdere rassespanning in die land kan aanblaas.
;Mnr. Flip Buys, hoofamptenaar van die vakbond Solidariteit, het gesê Terre’Blanche se moord wys dat niemand in Suid-Afrika veilig is nie.
Solidariteit gaan saam met AfriForum ’n nasionale veiligheidsberaad byeenroep en gaan oormôre met die minister van polisie samesprekings voer oor ’n omvattende gemeenskapsbeveiligingsprogram.
Solidariteit het ook gevra dat die ANC sy pogings staak om die onlangse hofuitsprake om te keer wat die sing van die gewraakte Julius Malema-lied, Dubul’ ibhunu (skiet die Boere) verbied. Pre. Jacob Zuma moet self ingryp en die omstredenheid rondom die lied tot ’n einde bring.
Die lied skep die klimaat dat alle moorde, selfs die wat nie daaraan verbind word nie, prima facie verbind word aan die lied.
Solidariteit het ook sy innige simpatie met die Terre’Blanche-familie betuig.
;Die sanger Steve Hofmeyr het gesê hy is baie hartseer om van die gebeure te hoor.
“Ek en Eugene het mekaar op kultuurgebied ontmoet deur gedigte uit te ruil. Ons het nie politiek saamgestem nie, maar wat gebeur het, is verskriklik. Ek kan net hoop mense laat hulle nie uitlok nie, en dat dit nie deur haatspraak teen boere aangevuur is nie.”
;Mnr. Chris Hattingh, DA-leier in Noordwes, het sy woede en kommer uitgespreek oor die gebeure.
“Dit gebeur in ’n tyd dat Cosatu in Noordwes algaande meer rassespanning aanblaas, om van die leier van die ANC-jeugliga, mnr. Julius Malema, nie te praat nie.
“Die DA het nie mnr. Terreblanche se politieke oortuiginge gedeel nie, maar hierdie is ’n aanval wat die aard van ons demokrasie bedreig. Ons meegevoel aan mev. TerreBlanche en haar familie.
“Die DA vra Suid-Afrikaners om kalm te bly en vra die ANC om Malema se tipe rassistiese uitsprake in die bek te ruk.”
;Komm. Bheki Cele, nasionale polisiekommisaris, wou gisteraand nie veel sê toe Rapport hom tuis gebel het nie. Hy het net gesê die polisie is steeds op die toneel.
“My werk is om seker te maak die mense word in hegtenis geneem en om hulle in die regsproses te kry. Oor mnr. Terre’blanche se profiel kan ek niks sê nie.”
Die AWB-leier, mnr. Eugene Terre’Blanche (69), is gistermiddag vermoor in sy huis op sy plaas, Witrandjiesfontein, sowat 15 kilometer buite Ventersdorp in Noordwes.
“Ons het mnr. Terre’Blanche se lyk op sy bed gekry. Hy het veelvuldige beserings opgedoen – hy is erg vermink,” het kapt. Jaco Rautenbach, hoof van die speurtak op Ventersdorp, gisteraand uit die moordhuis aan Rapport gesê.
“Ons weet nie of hy aangeval is terwyl hy geslaap het nie. Ons het ’n kapmes op sy lyk gekry.”
Rautenbach sê twee van Terre’Blanche se plaaswerkers is kort daarna op die plaas gearresteer. “?’n Venster is gebreek en dit lyk of die aanvallers só toegang tot die huis verkry het.
“Dit wil voorkom of ’n twis oor geld aanleiding tot die aanval gegee het,” het Rautenbach gesê.
Volgens kapt. Adele Myburgh, Noordwes se provinsiale polisiewoordvoerder, het daar glo ‘n argument tussen Terre’blanche en die twee werkers, ’n 21-jarige van Pretoria en ’n 16-jarige van Ventersdorp ontstaan omdat hulle glo nie vir werk betaal is nie.
Die twee sal Dinsdag op aanklag van moord in die hof op Ventersdorp verskyn.
Terre’Blanche het die naweek alleen op die plaas deurgebring soos hy dikwels doen, het ’n vriendin van sy vrou, Martie, gisteraand uit die Terre’Blanche se huis in Ventersdorp aan Rapport gesê.
Sy was daar om mev. Terre’Blanche by te staan. “Hy het blykbaar lê en slaap toe hy met pangas doodgekap is.”
Die vrou, van ’n buurplaas, het aan Rapport gesê Martie Terre’Blanche is verslae. “Sy is ’n sterk vrou, maar sy is so wit soos ’n laken. Dit het nog nie by haar ingesink nie.
“Die dominee was hier en ek en ander gaan vanaand by haar slaap hier in die dorpshuis (langs die AWB-kantoor) in Ventersdorp.”
Volgens haar was Eugene se suster, Dora, en sy broer, Andries, gisteraand op die moordtoneel.
Hy is gistermiddag omstreeks 17:00 vermoor.
“Almal hier op die dorp is woedend en verslae.”
Volgens haar is vrese oor wraakaanvalle van enige aard egter ongegrond. “Die mense hier op Ventersdorp is nie rassiste nie. Ek is eerder bekommerd oor mense wat van elders af bel.”.
Terre’Blanche het in Februarie vanjaar nog die ANC-regering as ’n “teelkraal” beskryf wat “toelaat dat ons wit mense deur werklose skurke uitgemoor word”.
“Hulle steel nie meer van ons nie, maar hulle maak ons doelbewus dood om ons te demoraliseer,” het Terre’Blanche op ’n AWB-byeenkoms aan sowat 300 mense gesê.
Pres. Jacob Zuma het die nuus met skok en afgryse ontvang, het sy woordvoerder, mnr. Vusi Mona, gisteraand gesê.
”Pres. Zuma veroordeel die moord ten sterkste en stuur sy meelewing aan die familie. Hy is ook dankbaar vir die spoedige optrede van die polisie.”
Oor of haatspraak teen boere ‘n rol gespeel het, het Mona gesê mense moet die reg sy loop laat neem; dan sal vasgestel kan word of haatspraak wel betrokke was.
”Die president veroordeel alle haatspraak teen boere, soos hy haatspraak teen arm mense, swart mense of enige ander kwesbares veroordeel,” het Mona benadruk.
Mev. Helen Zille, leier van die DA, het gisteraand die moord as ’n “absolute tradgedie” beskryf.
“Geweld is geen oplossing vir ons land nie. Die tragiese is dat ekstremiste aan albei kante die klimaat geskep het. Dit kan net tot polarisasie lei, wat ons in 1994 vermy het.”
Terre’Blanche het in die laat sestigerjare toenemend die liberale beleid van mnr. BJ Vorster, toe eerste minister van Suid-Afrika, beveg. Hy het in 1970 saam met ses ander die Afrikaner Weerstandbeweging gestig. Sy oratoriese vaardighede het hom die steun van groot getalle regsgesindes in die land besorg.
Hy het die einde van apartheid as ’n oorgawe tot kommunisme beskou en het met ’n grootskaalse oorlog gedreig sou pres. FW de Klerk die mag aan mnr. Nelson Mandela en die ANC sou oorhandig.
Hy is op 17 June 1997 tot ses jaar gevonnis vir die aanranding op ’n petroljoggie en poging tot moord op ’n sekuriteitswag.
Hy is aangehou in die Rooigrond-tronk naby Mafikeng, waar hy glo ’n wedergebore Christen geword het en na bewering sy rassistiese sienings versag het. Hy is op 11 Junie 2004 vrygelaat.
Mnr. Dave Steward, woordvoerder van die FW de Klerk-stigting, het gesê: “Die realiteit is dat die klimaat in die land naby aan kookpunt is. Dit is moeilik om nie te sien dat sy moord nie verband hou met die ‘skiet die boer’-liedjie nie.”
Verdere rassespanning gevrees ná skokmoord
Die nuus oor die wrede moord op die AWB-leier mnr. Eugene Terre’Blanche het gisteraand soos ’n veldbrand verprei en reaksie het van oral ingestroom.
Politieke partye aan alle kante van die spektrum was bekommerd dat die moord verdere rassespanning in die land kan aanblaas.
;Mnr. Flip Buys, hoofamptenaar van die vakbond Solidariteit, het gesê Terre’Blanche se moord wys dat niemand in Suid-Afrika veilig is nie.
Solidariteit gaan saam met AfriForum ’n nasionale veiligheidsberaad byeenroep en gaan oormôre met die minister van polisie samesprekings voer oor ’n omvattende gemeenskapsbeveiligingsprogram.
Solidariteit het ook gevra dat die ANC sy pogings staak om die onlangse hofuitsprake om te keer wat die sing van die gewraakte Julius Malema-lied, Dubul’ ibhunu (skiet die Boere) verbied. Pre. Jacob Zuma moet self ingryp en die omstredenheid rondom die lied tot ’n einde bring.
Die lied skep die klimaat dat alle moorde, selfs die wat nie daaraan verbind word nie, prima facie verbind word aan die lied.
Solidariteit het ook sy innige simpatie met die Terre’Blanche-familie betuig.
;Die sanger Steve Hofmeyr het gesê hy is baie hartseer om van die gebeure te hoor.
“Ek en Eugene het mekaar op kultuurgebied ontmoet deur gedigte uit te ruil. Ons het nie politiek saamgestem nie, maar wat gebeur het, is verskriklik. Ek kan net hoop mense laat hulle nie uitlok nie, en dat dit nie deur haatspraak teen boere aangevuur is nie.”
;Mnr. Chris Hattingh, DA-leier in Noordwes, het sy woede en kommer uitgespreek oor die gebeure.
“Dit gebeur in ’n tyd dat Cosatu in Noordwes algaande meer rassespanning aanblaas, om van die leier van die ANC-jeugliga, mnr. Julius Malema, nie te praat nie.
“Die DA het nie mnr. Terreblanche se politieke oortuiginge gedeel nie, maar hierdie is ’n aanval wat die aard van ons demokrasie bedreig. Ons meegevoel aan mev. TerreBlanche en haar familie.
“Die DA vra Suid-Afrikaners om kalm te bly en vra die ANC om Malema se tipe rassistiese uitsprake in die bek te ruk.”
;Komm. Bheki Cele, nasionale polisiekommisaris, wou gisteraand nie veel sê toe Rapport hom tuis gebel het nie. Hy het net gesê die polisie is steeds op die toneel.
“My werk is om seker te maak die mense word in hegtenis geneem en om hulle in die regsproses te kry. Oor mnr. Terre’blanche se profiel kan ek niks sê nie.”
Terre'Blanche an imposing persona
2010-04-04 01:16
Related Links
Eugene Terre'Blanche murdered
Terre'Blanche makes a comeback
Terre'blanche taken to SAHRC
Johannesburg - The leader of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Eugene Terre'Blanche was murdered at his farm 10km outside of Ventersdorp on Saturday, North West police said.Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche was born in Ventersdorp to staunchly Afrikaner nationalist parents on January 31 1944.Terre'Blanche was charismatic, a master of rhetoric and superb showman, he built the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging into a force that clashed head on with the government.But his image and the movement were dented by claims that he had a steamy extra-marital affair with newspaper columnist Jani Allan after she declared herself "impaled on the blue flame of his blowtorch eyes".Terre'Blanche captained the first rugby team of the Potchefstroom Hoër Volkskool and after matriculating served for nearly five years as a policeman, some of that time in the Special Guard Unit responsible for protecting government figures including the prime minister.Political careerLeaving the police force to be a farmer, he stood for Parliament for the Herstigte Nasionale Party but was unsuccessful.His political career really began in 1973 when he and six other "Afrikaans patriots" founded the AWB in a garage in Heidelberg.Terre'Blanche's reason for starting the movement was reportedly because he believed then-prime minister John Vorster was making dangerous concessions to blacks that would eventually endanger the survival of the white race.The AWB functioned as a semi-secret organisation for five years.Its first public action, undertaken in 1979, was to tar and feather prominent Afrikaner theologian Floors van Jaarsveld for calling for the desanctification of the Day of the Covenant.Nazi-like insigniaIn the same year the AWB held its first public meeting, displaying its Nazi-like insignia and declaring its vehement opposition to Parliamentary democracy.Terre'Blanche defended the movement's triple-seven emblem against claims that it resembled a swastika, saying it was composed of a key number in the Bible. "The number 777 stands in direct opposition to the number 666 - the number of the antichrist."In 1980 he registered a political party under the name of the Blanke Volkstaat Party, but never activated it, preferring to use the AWB as the cutting edge of Andries Treurnicht's Conservative Party and apparently building up an AWB caucus in the CP.In 1983 Terre'Blanche was one of four AWB members charged under the Terrorism Act after weapons were found buried on the farm of his brother Andries.Terre'Blanche was sentenced to two years in jail, suspended for five years, for illegal possession of arms.In the same year two former members of the AWB were jailed for 15 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate black leaders. The men had resigned from the movement shortly before the start of the trial.One of them was Jacob Viljoen, a co-accused with Terre'Blanche in an earlier trial for possession of arms which the AWB leader maintained had been planted in his car boot by leftists.Imposing public personaTerre'Blanche, who was involved in amateur dramatics in his youth and has written several plays, had by then developed an imposing public persona. He would often arrive at a meeting on horseback. Clad in khaki, flanked on stage by bodyguards from the Aquila special unit dressed in khaki or black, with masks, he could mesmerise audiences with his powerful voice that surged and fell in Afrikaans only."If Mr Terre'Blanche paused to think what he was saying, chances are he would lose the rhythm," wrote a journalist.In February 1986 he announced the formation of the AWB Brandwag, a commando to protect white interests in case not enough police were available.Later the same year his brown-shirted supporters disrupted several public meetings attended by Cabinet ministers.In 1988 he delivered an AWB petition to then-president PW Botha calling for the restoration as Boer ground of the old Boer Republics of Transvaal, Orange Free State and northern Natal.Blacks would be present in this white volkstaat only as guest labourers, while non-Afrikaner whites would qualify for the vote if they became nationalised citizens and if they were Christians.He said the AWB would take over with might in SA if the government capitulated to the ANC.‘An unarmed white man is a dead white man’After AWB "storm troopers" brandished guns, rubber batons and knives at a rally, the government announced that it was "looking into" the actions and attitudes of the movement.In February 1989 the government prohibited members of the movement from wearing firearms at its meetings, prompting Terre'Blanche to complain that an unarmed white man in Africa was a dead white man.Terre'Blanche repeated his threats of violent resistance to an ANC takeover in the years that followed.He said he would contest the Rustenburg Parliamentary seat in the general election of September 1989 as an "independent white man" but withdrew when a right-wing election front against the NP failed to materialise.In December he was charged with malicious damage to property after allegedly damaging the gates of Paardekraal monument, where police found him after dark in the company of Jani Allan, a columnist for the Sunday Times.He was acquitted, and received "unanimous" support at an extraordinary AWB Hoofraad meeting called to thrash out differences of opinion over his leadership.But a number of AWB dissidents did not attend or were not allowed into the meeting. By May a number of senior AWB figures, including several founder members, had left the organisation.‘A leader, not a lover’In July Allan released tapes of calls he made to her in which he referred to her as "darlinkie" and begged her to call him.But Terre'Blanche continued to deny an affair. "I'm a leader, not a lover," he said.He persisted in the denial in the face of explicit evidence to the contrary when in 1992 Allan lost a defamation claim against Channel 4 Television over a documentary which claimed there had been an affair.In April 1991, when threats had been made of white right-wing violence against anti-apartheid marches, he and other AWB members were arrested, warned and released after allegedly obstructing police at an ANC march in Pretoria.Terre'Blanche was present at Ventersdorp on August 9 that year when AWB supporters clashed with police guarding a National Party meeting addressed by then-president FW De Klerk. Three AWB members died in the affray, two of them from bullet wounds, one hit by a vehicle, and 58 people were injured.RevolutionTerre'Blanche said afterwards that the AWB was preparing itself for the "oncoming revolution" because the government could not handle the security situation.Five months later he and nine other AWB members were arrested on charges of public violence stemming from the Ventersdorp affair. In December 1991, after a meeting with the then-constitutional development minister Gerrit Viljoen, he said the AWB refused to participate in Codesa because its demand for a Volkstaat had not been acknowledged. He also repeated threats of war against an ANC governmentIn a lunch time address to the Pretoria Press Club on February 25 1992 he said participation in the referendum on reform which had just been called by De Klerk would be a betrayal of the fatherland.Later that day, after Treurnicht announced that the CP would participate in the poll, Terre'Blanche said the AWB would take part and work for a no vote.In March that year AWB secretary general Piet Rudolph left the movement saying the time had come for Terre'Blanche to go, and claiming there were many others in the AWB who were dissatisfied with his leadership.In 1998, Terre'Blanche accepted "political and moral responsibility" before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for a bombing campaign to disrupt the 1994 elections in which 21 people were killed and hundreds injured. He was later jailed for assaulting a security guard and released in 2004.Terre'Blanche is married to Martie, with whom he has a daughter.
Read more on: awb jani allan eugene terre'blanche
Related Links
Eugene Terre'Blanche murdered
Terre'Blanche makes a comeback
Terre'blanche taken to SAHRC
Johannesburg - The leader of Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Eugene Terre'Blanche was murdered at his farm 10km outside of Ventersdorp on Saturday, North West police said.Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche was born in Ventersdorp to staunchly Afrikaner nationalist parents on January 31 1944.Terre'Blanche was charismatic, a master of rhetoric and superb showman, he built the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging into a force that clashed head on with the government.But his image and the movement were dented by claims that he had a steamy extra-marital affair with newspaper columnist Jani Allan after she declared herself "impaled on the blue flame of his blowtorch eyes".Terre'Blanche captained the first rugby team of the Potchefstroom Hoër Volkskool and after matriculating served for nearly five years as a policeman, some of that time in the Special Guard Unit responsible for protecting government figures including the prime minister.Political careerLeaving the police force to be a farmer, he stood for Parliament for the Herstigte Nasionale Party but was unsuccessful.His political career really began in 1973 when he and six other "Afrikaans patriots" founded the AWB in a garage in Heidelberg.Terre'Blanche's reason for starting the movement was reportedly because he believed then-prime minister John Vorster was making dangerous concessions to blacks that would eventually endanger the survival of the white race.The AWB functioned as a semi-secret organisation for five years.Its first public action, undertaken in 1979, was to tar and feather prominent Afrikaner theologian Floors van Jaarsveld for calling for the desanctification of the Day of the Covenant.Nazi-like insigniaIn the same year the AWB held its first public meeting, displaying its Nazi-like insignia and declaring its vehement opposition to Parliamentary democracy.Terre'Blanche defended the movement's triple-seven emblem against claims that it resembled a swastika, saying it was composed of a key number in the Bible. "The number 777 stands in direct opposition to the number 666 - the number of the antichrist."In 1980 he registered a political party under the name of the Blanke Volkstaat Party, but never activated it, preferring to use the AWB as the cutting edge of Andries Treurnicht's Conservative Party and apparently building up an AWB caucus in the CP.In 1983 Terre'Blanche was one of four AWB members charged under the Terrorism Act after weapons were found buried on the farm of his brother Andries.Terre'Blanche was sentenced to two years in jail, suspended for five years, for illegal possession of arms.In the same year two former members of the AWB were jailed for 15 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate black leaders. The men had resigned from the movement shortly before the start of the trial.One of them was Jacob Viljoen, a co-accused with Terre'Blanche in an earlier trial for possession of arms which the AWB leader maintained had been planted in his car boot by leftists.Imposing public personaTerre'Blanche, who was involved in amateur dramatics in his youth and has written several plays, had by then developed an imposing public persona. He would often arrive at a meeting on horseback. Clad in khaki, flanked on stage by bodyguards from the Aquila special unit dressed in khaki or black, with masks, he could mesmerise audiences with his powerful voice that surged and fell in Afrikaans only."If Mr Terre'Blanche paused to think what he was saying, chances are he would lose the rhythm," wrote a journalist.In February 1986 he announced the formation of the AWB Brandwag, a commando to protect white interests in case not enough police were available.Later the same year his brown-shirted supporters disrupted several public meetings attended by Cabinet ministers.In 1988 he delivered an AWB petition to then-president PW Botha calling for the restoration as Boer ground of the old Boer Republics of Transvaal, Orange Free State and northern Natal.Blacks would be present in this white volkstaat only as guest labourers, while non-Afrikaner whites would qualify for the vote if they became nationalised citizens and if they were Christians.He said the AWB would take over with might in SA if the government capitulated to the ANC.‘An unarmed white man is a dead white man’After AWB "storm troopers" brandished guns, rubber batons and knives at a rally, the government announced that it was "looking into" the actions and attitudes of the movement.In February 1989 the government prohibited members of the movement from wearing firearms at its meetings, prompting Terre'Blanche to complain that an unarmed white man in Africa was a dead white man.Terre'Blanche repeated his threats of violent resistance to an ANC takeover in the years that followed.He said he would contest the Rustenburg Parliamentary seat in the general election of September 1989 as an "independent white man" but withdrew when a right-wing election front against the NP failed to materialise.In December he was charged with malicious damage to property after allegedly damaging the gates of Paardekraal monument, where police found him after dark in the company of Jani Allan, a columnist for the Sunday Times.He was acquitted, and received "unanimous" support at an extraordinary AWB Hoofraad meeting called to thrash out differences of opinion over his leadership.But a number of AWB dissidents did not attend or were not allowed into the meeting. By May a number of senior AWB figures, including several founder members, had left the organisation.‘A leader, not a lover’In July Allan released tapes of calls he made to her in which he referred to her as "darlinkie" and begged her to call him.But Terre'Blanche continued to deny an affair. "I'm a leader, not a lover," he said.He persisted in the denial in the face of explicit evidence to the contrary when in 1992 Allan lost a defamation claim against Channel 4 Television over a documentary which claimed there had been an affair.In April 1991, when threats had been made of white right-wing violence against anti-apartheid marches, he and other AWB members were arrested, warned and released after allegedly obstructing police at an ANC march in Pretoria.Terre'Blanche was present at Ventersdorp on August 9 that year when AWB supporters clashed with police guarding a National Party meeting addressed by then-president FW De Klerk. Three AWB members died in the affray, two of them from bullet wounds, one hit by a vehicle, and 58 people were injured.RevolutionTerre'Blanche said afterwards that the AWB was preparing itself for the "oncoming revolution" because the government could not handle the security situation.Five months later he and nine other AWB members were arrested on charges of public violence stemming from the Ventersdorp affair. In December 1991, after a meeting with the then-constitutional development minister Gerrit Viljoen, he said the AWB refused to participate in Codesa because its demand for a Volkstaat had not been acknowledged. He also repeated threats of war against an ANC governmentIn a lunch time address to the Pretoria Press Club on February 25 1992 he said participation in the referendum on reform which had just been called by De Klerk would be a betrayal of the fatherland.Later that day, after Treurnicht announced that the CP would participate in the poll, Terre'Blanche said the AWB would take part and work for a no vote.In March that year AWB secretary general Piet Rudolph left the movement saying the time had come for Terre'Blanche to go, and claiming there were many others in the AWB who were dissatisfied with his leadership.In 1998, Terre'Blanche accepted "political and moral responsibility" before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for a bombing campaign to disrupt the 1994 elections in which 21 people were killed and hundreds injured. He was later jailed for assaulting a security guard and released in 2004.Terre'Blanche is married to Martie, with whom he has a daughter.
Read more on: awb jani allan eugene terre'blanche
Calm urged after Terre'Blanche murder2010-04-04 01:16
Eugene Terre'Blanche sits at a rally held in Pretoria in December 2005. (Jerome Delay,file, AP)
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Terre'blanche taken to SAHRC
AWB re-grouping condemned
Eugene Terre'Blanche murdered
Lauren Hess
Cape Town - The AWB is "trying its best to keep people calm" after the murder of the far-right wing group's leader, Eugene Terre'Blanche on Saturday. Terre'Blanche was beaten to death on his farm Villanna in Ventersdorp in the North West early on Saturday evening. A panga and knobkerrie were found next to him. Two of his farmworkers, a 16-year-old and 21-year-old, were arrested for the murder. The two allegedly got into an argument with Terre'Blanche over wages, said police spokesperson Adéle Myburgh. The group's André Visagie said the AWB's immediate plans are to make funeral arrangements. Thereafter it will have a meeting about "how to avenge" Terre'Blanche's killing. Reckless statementsMeanwhile, AfriForum and Solidarity have called for calm in the wake of the AWB leader's murder. AfriForum's Willie Spies said it was essential that all South African - white and black - refrain from reckless statements and, what he called, the "romanticising" of violence. He said the killing of the AWB leader was proof of how volatile the situation in the country was at present. Spies urged South Africans to remain calm in circumstances which could have potentially destructive repercussions. AfriForum has won a court order barring ANCYL leader Julius Malema from singing the controversial "shoot the boer" song. In the previous week, the South Gauteng High Court also banned the song. The ANC plans to go to the Constitutional Court over the ruling. No-one is safeSolidarity said on Saturday night that Terre'Blanche's murder was proof that no-one in South Africa was safe. Flip Buys, Solidarity CEO, said it and AfriForum plan to hold talks on Tuesday with Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa about a comprehensive community safety programme. Buys also said Solidarity wants the ANC to end attempts to overturn court rulings over Malema's "Shoot the Boer" song. Buys said it was time President Jacob Zuma put an end to the controversy surrounding the issue as it was leading to extreme polarisation which the country could ill afford.Meanwhile, Zuma's spokesperson Vusi Mona said the president was filled with shock and horror at the killing. DA leader Helen Zille described the AWB leader's murder as an absolute tragedy and said violence was not a solution.
- News24
Eugene Terre'Blanche sits at a rally held in Pretoria in December 2005. (Jerome Delay,file, AP)
Galleries · User Galleries · News in Pictures Send us your pictures · Send us your stories
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Terre'blanche taken to SAHRC
AWB re-grouping condemned
Eugene Terre'Blanche murdered
Lauren Hess
Cape Town - The AWB is "trying its best to keep people calm" after the murder of the far-right wing group's leader, Eugene Terre'Blanche on Saturday. Terre'Blanche was beaten to death on his farm Villanna in Ventersdorp in the North West early on Saturday evening. A panga and knobkerrie were found next to him. Two of his farmworkers, a 16-year-old and 21-year-old, were arrested for the murder. The two allegedly got into an argument with Terre'Blanche over wages, said police spokesperson Adéle Myburgh. The group's André Visagie said the AWB's immediate plans are to make funeral arrangements. Thereafter it will have a meeting about "how to avenge" Terre'Blanche's killing. Reckless statementsMeanwhile, AfriForum and Solidarity have called for calm in the wake of the AWB leader's murder. AfriForum's Willie Spies said it was essential that all South African - white and black - refrain from reckless statements and, what he called, the "romanticising" of violence. He said the killing of the AWB leader was proof of how volatile the situation in the country was at present. Spies urged South Africans to remain calm in circumstances which could have potentially destructive repercussions. AfriForum has won a court order barring ANCYL leader Julius Malema from singing the controversial "shoot the boer" song. In the previous week, the South Gauteng High Court also banned the song. The ANC plans to go to the Constitutional Court over the ruling. No-one is safeSolidarity said on Saturday night that Terre'Blanche's murder was proof that no-one in South Africa was safe. Flip Buys, Solidarity CEO, said it and AfriForum plan to hold talks on Tuesday with Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa about a comprehensive community safety programme. Buys also said Solidarity wants the ANC to end attempts to overturn court rulings over Malema's "Shoot the Boer" song. Buys said it was time President Jacob Zuma put an end to the controversy surrounding the issue as it was leading to extreme polarisation which the country could ill afford.Meanwhile, Zuma's spokesperson Vusi Mona said the president was filled with shock and horror at the killing. DA leader Helen Zille described the AWB leader's murder as an absolute tragedy and said violence was not a solution.
- News24
White supremacist leader killed in South Africa
FILE- In this Friday Dec. 16, 2005 file photo, South African white supremaci...
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JOHANNESBURG — South Africa's white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche was bludgeoned to death by two of his farm workers Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages, police said, amid growing racial tensions in the once white-led country.
Terreblanche, 69, was leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, that wanted to create three all-white republics within South Africa in which blacks would be allowed only as guest workers.
The opposition Democratic Alliance party blamed increasing racial tensions for the killing.
"This happened in a province where racial tension in the rural farming community is increasingly being fueled by irresponsible racist utterances" by two members of the governing African National Congress, said the Democratic Alliance legislator for that constituency, Juanita Terblanche.
Terblanche, no relative of the far-right leader, said her party did not share his political convictions but warned that the attack on him could be seen as an attack on the diverse components of South Africa's democracy.
President Jacob Zuma appealed for calm following "this terrible deed." In a statement, he asked "South Africans not to allow agent provocateurs to take advantage of this situation by inciting or fueling racial hatred."
The killing comes 10 weeks before South Africa prepares to host the first World Cup soccer tournament on African soil, with massive expenditures on infrastructure being questioned as hundreds of thousands of tickets and hotel rooms remain unsold.
The South African Press Association quoted police spokeswoman Adele Myburgh as saying that Terreblanche was attacked by a 21-year-old man and a 15-year-old boy who worked for him on his farm outside Ventersdorp, about 110 kilometers (68 miles) northwest of Johannesburg.
Myburgh said the alleged attackers have been arrested and charged with murder. She said the two, whom she did not identify by name, told the police that there had been a dispute because they were not paid for work they had done on the farm.
"Mr. Terreblanche's body was found on the bed with facial and head injuries." She said a machete was found on his body and a knobkerrie — a wooden staff with a rounded head — next to his bed.
Terreblanche had threatened war on South Africa's white minority government in the 1980s when it began to make what he considered dangerous concessions to blacks that endangered the survival of South Africa's white race.
A symbol of white resistance to democratic black majority rule, he had lived in relative obscurity in recent years but had not changed his views.
He revived the AWB in 2008 and had rallies that drew growing crowds whom he wooed with his declaration that white South Africans are entitled to create their own country, a fight he declared he would take to the International Court at The Hague.
From the other side of the color spectrum, a firebrand African National Congress leader also has been raising tensions, insisting on singing an apartheid-era song urging supporters to "kill the Boer." Boer is Afrikaans for a farmer, but also is a derogatory term for any white in South Africa. Last week, the high court ruled the song hate speech and banned the ANC's Julius Malema from singing it. The ANC is appealing.
Terreblanche's killing comes amid growing disenchantment among blacks for whom the right to vote has not translated into jobs and better housing and education.
Some consider themselves betrayed by leaders governing the richest country on the continent and pursuing a policy of black empowerment that has made millionaires of a tiny black elite while millions remain trapped in poverty, even as whites continue to enjoy a privileged lifestyle.
Terreblanche recently has made statements highlighting the corruption that has ballooned under the black government.
"Our country is being run by criminals who murder and rob ... We are being oppressed again. We will rise again," he said, referring to concentration-camp conditions that killed thousands during the Boer War fought by British colonizers.
Terreblanche launched his political career in 1973 amid growing opposition to the white minority government and its racist policies, forming the AWB with six other "patriots" of the Afrikaans-speaking whites descended from Dutch immigrants.
The AWB was a semisecret organization for years. When it "came out" in 1979, the movement displayed its Nazi-like insignia and declared opposition to any parliamentary democracy.
Terreblanche would arrive at meetings on horseback flanked by masked bodyguards dressed in khaki or black and became a charismatic leader for a small minority that could not envision a South Africa under the democratic rule of a black majority.
At one rally his guards who terrorized blacks and were dubbed "storm troopers" after the Nazis, brandished guns, police batons and knives, prompting the government to announce it was "looking into" the actions and attitudes of the movement.
In 1983, Terreblanche was sentenced to a two-year suspended jail sentence for illegal arms possession, though he said the arms were planted by black opponents. The same year, two AWB militants were jailed for 15 years for conspiring to overthrow the government and assassinate black leaders.
Terreblanche finally was jailed in 1997, sentenced to six years for the attempted murder of a black security guard and assaulting a black gas station worker.
He became a born-again Christian in prison, and declared on his release in 2004 that his experience had convinced him that "the real hour to revive the resistance had arrived."
Terreblanche had threatened to take the country by force if the white government capitulated to the ANC. After the white government conceded, the ANC overwhelmingly won 1994 elections and has won every election since with more than 60 percent of votes.
SA 'land of murder'
2010-04-04 20:00
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Carjacking (File)
Ventersdorp - A South African white supremacist group whose leader was killed, warned other countries on Sunday to avoid sending their football teams to the World Cup in "a land of murder".
Andre Visagie, a senior member of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), said the slaying of leader Eugene Terre'Blanche "is a declaration of war" by blacks against whites in South Africa.
Visagie said the AWB would respond by telling countries to reconsider participating at the World Cup, which begins on June 11.
"We're going to warn those nations they are sending their soccer teams to a land of murder," Visagie said. "Don't do that if you don't have sufficient protection for them."
Visagie vowed to avenge the death of Terre'Blanche, but did not specify what form the vengeance would take.
President Jacob Zuma appealed for calm following "this terrible deed".
In a statement, he asked "South Africans not to allow agent provocateurs to take advantage of this situation by inciting or fuelling racial hatred."
Police said Terre'Blanche was bludgeoned to death in his bed on Saturday by two of his farm workers in an apparent wage dispute.
South Africa has been under constant scrutiny ahead of hosting the world's biggest football tournament because of its high rate of violent crime.
The country's ruling ANC party criticised the AWB for advising teams against playing at the World Cup.
"We don't think that it's the right thing to do," ANC spokesperson Jackson Mthembu told The Associated Press.
"This is a World Cup for all of us, not only black people of this country. And we have to give all the support we can for the World Cup to happen here in South Africa.
"We think our compatriots in the AWB should do the same as other patriotic South Africans."
Recieved by email:
S.Africa: 2010:
Attention: President Jacob Zuma - Do you want a Race War with the Afrikaners IMMEDIATELY?
Date Posted: Sunday 04-Apr-2010
[I would like to ask everyone a special favour. Please, please, please, spread this following message around via email, website or blog or by any means you have. It is a statement I am making and I want President Jacob Zuma as well as people inside and outside South Africa to read this. If President Jacob Zuma does want a racial war against us, then let's have it now. Jan]
I think we should stop pussy-footing around over the issue of ANC race-baiting which has been going on now for months. Julius Malema, as the head of the ANC Youth League has been stirring up race hatred and inciting racial hatred against whites for months now.
Now he wants to sing "Kill the Boer" songs despite court orders against this and the ANC Govt is rushing to defend this in court. Julius Malema is constantly slandering and attacking white people and inciting racial hatred towards them, in public.
Then he claims that white people want to kill him - a claim which I think is also fraudulent actually.
Let me state a few simple facts:-1) We Whites in South Africa have NOT been plotting any kind of war against the Govt.
2) We Whites have NOT been accumulating arms or ammunition.
3) We Whites have NOT been building bombs, carrying out terror operations nor engaging in assassination.
4) We Whites have NOT been engaging in any race hatred nor race hate speech nor singing songs about killing black people.
5) We Whites have NOT been carrying out any strikes nor burning nor breaking any property. We Whites HAVE been going about our business quietly. We have been paying our taxes and been law-abiding citizens.
We have noticed that:
-1) Julius Malema, the head of the ANC Youth League has singularly, for months on end, been making the most racist statements imaginable which have been spread in the mass media.
2) Julius Malema has not been taken to task by the ANC.
3) Julius Malema has in fact been defended by the ANC who are willing to go to court so that he can sing in public rallies, the song: "Kill the Boer".
4) Julius Malema has been defended in person by President Jacob Zuma who has told us that Malema is being groomed to be a future President.
5) Julius Malema at this time is on official business, sent to Zimbabwe to speak to Robert Mugabe and to the ZANU PF Youth League. He has gone there on the instruction of our Govt. He is openly speaking and saying that in South Africa the White Farmland is to be seized using the same methods as were used in Zimbabwe in 2000.
During all this time of Julius Malema's actions, the ANC has in its official capacity supported him and so has our President Jacob Zuma. Zuma has openly defended his actions in speeches.
So here is my message to President Jacob Zuma:
-Sir, If you desire a racial war against us White people, and against the Afrikaners in particular, then let's not play games any more - just come out and say you want to go to war against us.
If you have been making clandestine preparations for our genocide and for a series of moves that will lead to our genocide, then so be it.
We do not have any arms or armies, except those personal firearms which we have been licensed to use, and if you wish to have a war against us, to exterminate us completely, then we will fight with what little we have right here, right now.
Just tell us when you want the war, and we will meet you whereever it is that you wish to fight us.
Julius Malema is your agent. He works for you.
Thank you,
Jan Lamprecht.
South African Citizen
.Owner of: AfricanCrisis website.
Posted By: JanAfricanCrisis Webmaster
My all time favourite movie quote is from the Dwarf in Lord of the Rings:"Certainty of death, small chance of success... what are we waiting for?"
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